How To Live Off The Grid

Many people feel the need for privacy, staying in the fresh air, free from exhaust fumes, peace, and tranquility. It seems that all these things are available around the clock to those who live in a private houses outside the city. It remains only to find a cozy remote place where you can create all the necessary conditions for life as you want it, regardless of local electricity and water supply networks. However, preparing for the suburban dream life can actually be much more difficult and take longer than you think, not to mention living off the grid itself.

Even if you are just planning your new lifestyle, we recommend that you start preparing in advance. In this article, we will tell you How To Live Off The Grid so as not to face serious difficulties after moving far away from civilization, where it can be challenging to find a way out of a complicated situation. What is more, you will find out which necessary things you need to provide yourself with for a comfortable life and also how to prepare yourself for a sudden change of residence.

What Is the Point of Living off the Grid in 2022?

Before we move on to considering specific tips for preparing for life off the grid, you may have a question: Why would I want to live outside of civilization at all? This is a pretty logical question considering that we have already mentioned some difficulties that may arise in connection with moving into your own house.

The first reason why most people decide to make drastic changes in their lives and abandon modern urban amenities is a thirst for unity with nature. Undoubtedly, life in the city is very active, exciting, and saturated. In big cities, there are many opportunities for professional development, entertainment, and shopping. However, many people quickly get tired of the hustle and bustle of the city. The fast pace of life and the constant presence among crowds of other people is physically and mentally exhausting. In this case, living offline seems like an amazing solution, especially for those who work remotely and are not tied to the same city.

However, we advise you not to idealize life off the grid, as it involves not only tranquility but also an independent provision of water and electricity, which can be quite a difficult task for most of you, city residents. At the same time, many people are now committed to sustainability, so they are happy to try to provide their homes with electricity using solar panels and also use rainwater. If you are already introducing eco-friendly habits into your life and are ready to use similar methods of extracting energy and water, then living off the grid will be something that you will definitely like!

Things You Need to Think Through

Since you continue to read this article, apparently, you do not need to be convinced that living off the grid is a good idea. So now we can help you start your completely new life far away from the city by warning you about a few key points that you should think about in advance.

1. Purchase of a land plot and construction of a house

The first thing to consider is the location and a specific land plot. Start by exploring the areas where land plots are offered that are initially disconnected from the grid, possibly located a few miles from the power grid. Carefully study the legal status of the land plot in advance and make sure that it is suitable for such a lifestyle. 

Then you have to choose the type of dwelling that you will build on the purchased land plot. It can be a full-fledged house, which, however, is quite expensive, or something simpler and cheaper like a van.

2. Energy and water supply

As for providing your home with energy, we recommend using sustainable methods of energy extraction: solar panels or wind turbines. You can also use battery generators, but they are more effective in emergency situations than on a permanent basis. If you are going to live in a state where there is a lot of sun, then using solar panels will be the best solution. You can place panels on the roof. That will allow you to accumulate enough energy every day.

For everyday life on your own site, you will need a fairly large amount of water. Where will you get it if the house is not connected to the general water supply network? The easiest way is to collect and use rainwater. Rainwater can be collected in several barrels or in a large tank that you will prepare in advance on your land plot. When choosing a site and preparing a water supply system, keep in mind the local climate, namely the frequency of precipitation. If it often rains, it will be a good idea to use barrels. However, if the terrain is quite arid and rains are rare, then you will need to make a tank in which water will be stored for a long time for use during dry periods.

3. Acquisition of new skills

Do not also forget that when you leave far from the city, you will now have to do many things on your own. For example, in the city, you can see a doctor at any time and get help quickly. Being alone away from civilization, you may need some new skills in order to be able to help yourself and your family on your own. We advise you to take courses in first aid, gardening, plumbing, mechanics, and carpentry.

How to Prepare for a New Lifestyle?

In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that a radical change in lifestyle can be a great stress for you and your family. Therefore, do not forget about preparing yourself for life outside the city.

1. Prepare yourself mentally

Many dream of the independence and freedom that life off the grid can bring. However, it is important to understand that independence also means responsibility and autonomy. You will have to care for yourself, which can lead to tension and stress. The main thing is to be confident in your desire and not give up at the beginning.

2. Engage in active physical training

The second aspect that we have to cover is physical preparedness. If you do not exercise regularly, you will need to start doing it. Keep in mind that you will constantly need to do physical work and be active: grow food in the garden, provide water supply, make some house repairs, do handwashing, and many more. We recommend gradually increasing physical activity in advance.


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A former USA Army sergeant and a highly educated survivalist and prepper with a degree and interest in Engineering and Electronics, Mike Millerson applies his extensive expertise in survivalism, homesteading, backpacking, hiking, and hunting, spreading his deep knowledge about handling emergencies and prepping for them reasonably and effectively.