
We’ve seen a lot of changes in homemaking in the last decade. In addition to the Pioneer Woman and Joanna Gaines, we’ve evolved into the new, more realistic look – like the “sloppy mom.” At some point we wisened up and discovered it’s OK to not be perfect, so we threw on our yoga pants, put our hair up in messy buns and fell asleep on the couch while our children colored on the furniture with markers. And we decided as a society these things are alright because they don’t define who we actually are. Sometimes we really do have to just survive.

But what if you’re neither of these mom-types? Or what if you’re both? What if no matter how hard we try to pioneer ourselves into perfection, we still somehow represent the sloppy mom? What if we don’t even fit into a category?

Homemaking Together

We wanted to start a community of people who can laugh at themselves and share a good story, recipe or just great advice. We wanted to expand beyond the bounds of just motherhood – we want to celebrate fatherhood, too! Together, let’s highlight the in-between moments and the outtakes of homemaking.

We want to encourage you! You make those meals, you bake the shit out of those desserts, grow your garden, even if it refuses to grow in your care, complete that exercise class once a month, fudge the Teacher Appreciation gift idea you found on Pinterest. But no matter what you do, don’t stop being you!

Here, at the Homefaker’s Homestead, we represent all the second-place, perfect, wannabes, gonnabes, never-gonna-bes, self-made, lovely homemakers!

We’d love to hear from you! If you want to contact us, please email us at [email protected]